To enrol your child in the King’s Outside School Hours Care programmes you are required to complete an Enrolment Forms. The information obtained in this document will be used at the Centre for information data collection purposes. The completed forms will be stored securely and retained for the period authorised by the Department of Family and Community Services. Enrolment Forms will only be viewed by members of staff, and the information will not be disclosed to any other party unless required by law. Enrolling parents are able to access their child’s enrolment form at any time, and it is their responsibility to ensure the information is accurate and complete.
Children attending the service may be photographed or video recorded which will be used for Centre purposes only.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
This section is under review. For information regarding your CCS eligibility or CCS in general visit the Centrelink’s website.
Children will participate in short walks / excursions, planned as part of the Centre’s program, from the Centre by foot within King’s Christian Centre community.
Please note. Parents will receive a separate form outlining details and requesting permission before any outside excursions involving children being transported by vehicle.
I consent for my child who may attend Clover Hill State School be collected from the school by a King’s Christian Centre vehicle Mitishibishi Pajero Sport or Toyota Coasta Bus. Your child will be collected from Clover Hill at 3pm and will arrive back at Kings Church at 3:30pm.
Please note: Not all buses have seat belts.
In the interests of health and wellbeing of the children, the Service will only permit medication to be given to a child if it is in its original packaging with a chemist label attached. The chemist label must state the child’s name and dose of medication required.
The service recognizes and acknowledges the skill and competence of children in working collaboratively with families to enable children to self-administer medications, with prior parent authority.
Centre staff will encourage and support children to apply sunscreen to themselves before sun exposure.
Emergency Treatment
In the event of an accident or illness requiring emergency medical treatment, every possible effort will be made to contact me before such treatment is sought. However, should this prove impossible, I hereby authorise the staff of the Centre to give emergency medical treatment for my child should it be considered necessary. I agree to meet all expenses in this regard.
Allowable Absences
This section is under review.
Relating to CCS (Child Care Subsidy) all children are eligible for 42 days of subsidised allowable absences for each financial year. This includes holidays taken during school term and illness without a medical certificate. Children are allowed unlimited sick leave with a Doctor’s Certificate.
Please note that CCS will not pay for any absences before the first attendance and after the last attendance of the CCS enrolment.
Payment of Fees
At commencement at the Centres, fees must be paid fortnightly at all times. All costs incurred from any debt recovery actions will be paid by the child’s family.
For cancellations 48hrs notice must be given to avoid being charged for Before & After School Care. For Vacation Care all cancellations are required before the lock-in date (1 week prior to vacation care starting) to avoid being charged.